
The key stage: the iconic sound of R2D2

A project log for R2D2 & Mars Rover Robot

The ultimate robot with Arduino: a faithful replica that captures the magic of the movies, featuring both manual and automatic modes.

dylanestdylan.est 05/29/2024 at 21:540 Comments

As announced in the introduction, our robot had to be a faithful replica of R2D2. To achieve this, it was essential to integrate his sound effect with our robot to bring them closer together.

En tombant sur la vidéo ci-dessous, nous avions enfin trouver une façon de ramener ce son à la vie:

Nous avons donc suivit son tutoriel dans son lien GitHub, nous les avons adapté à notre cas et notre objectif, et nous avons enfin pu entendre R2D2 parmi nous.

GitHub - connornishijima/arduino-volume3: Gives tone functionality with 10-bit volume control with no extra parts!

R2D2-Sound-Generator/r2d2_sound_generator.ino at main · marcelolarios/R2D2-Sound-Generator · GitHub
