
RomWBW Integration

A project log for eZ80 CPU for RC2014 and other backplanes

An eZ80 CPU Module that works within the RC2014 ecosystem and other similar backplanes

dean-nethertonDean Netherton 09/22/2024 at 09:240 Comments

I am very excited to announce that Wayne Warthen has accepted my pull requests for the eZ80 module into his mega RomWBW project. The eZ80 support is now part of the mainline code base. Still very much under development and early alpha - but official!

I am very thankful to Wayne for his assistance in the development of the eZ80 for RC2014/RCBus.

Wayne has also received a kit and will soon be able to personally validate the eZ80 operation.

And in other news, I started experimenting with a Pi Pico this weekend to see if I could make a programmer for the eZ80 (as a possible replacement for the very expensive Zilog programmer). I thought to myself, surely this cant be too hard to do. When will I learn not to call myself Shirley!
