
linamp-player v1.4.0 released - Spotify source and UI improvements

A project log for Linamp

Your favorite music player of the 90s, but in real life

rodmgRodmg 12/30/2024 at 21:473 Comments

A new version of linamp-player has been released, it includes two big features I really wanted to finish:

1. UI Improvements:

2. Spotify Source: 

Linamp can now be used as a Spotify Connect speaker thanks to librespot! From the Spotify app in your smartphone, Linamp will appear as a playback device, selecting it will transfer playback from your phone to Linamp.

It supports showing the song metadata, progress and spectrum analyzer.

At this point it doesn't support controlling playback from Linamp.

Please note that in order for this to work you need to install librespot and customize several configurations, this is partially done on the Linamp OS included with my Linamp DIY Digital Pack, see the next section on detail on how to set it up. 

How to upgrade

If you have the latest Linamp OS from my Linamp DIY Digital Pack, you can upgrade by connecting via SSH and running the following commands:

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install --only-upgrade linamp 

You will also need to update the librespot service configuration, you can do it with this script:

sudo bash -c "cat <<'EOF' > /etc/systemd/user/librespot.service
Description=Spotify connect client

ExecStart=/usr/bin/librespot --disable-audio-cache --quiet --name Linamp --device-type speaker --bitrate 320 --backend pulseaudio --onevent=/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/linamp/spotifyplayer/


Then, just restart the device:

sudo reboot 

I you are not using Linamp OS, you can get the latest binaries here:

Please note: If you are not using Linamp OS, you will need to install librespot and configure it to run as the same user you use to run linamp-player, configure it to use pulseaudio and point the events script to /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/linamp/spotifyplayer/, how to do it will depend on how your OS is setup.


Duncan wrote 01/31/2025 at 10:34 point

So good! Just got mine together tonight.
Love your work!

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Rodmg wrote 02/01/2025 at 05:40 point


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tuftsanti wrote 12/30/2024 at 23:13 point

Works perfectly! Can't wait until we can (possibly?) control Spotify from the Linamp. Really enjoying this.

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