
Hello World

A project log for rEmotion – a Module with Visual Input and Output

Robotic head for robotic enthusiasts

andrei-gramakovAndrei Gramakov 06/05/2024 at 20:160 Comments

Using the module in an image recognition application

After several months of experiments, I’ve decided to shape a new project called rEmotion. rEmotion is a hardware module with a robotic application in mind. The module represents a head with a display and a camera, allowing a robot to see the environment and express facial emotions...

How it Works

The module is fully 3D printed and contains an Arduino-controlled display with a USB camera. It is supposed to be controlled from a Linux machine via a library shipped with the module.

Deployment diagram

While the code I planned is not ready yet, I developed a prototype application to recognize books and show different emotions in response.


I will make a detailed instruction on how to build it, but now I will show its the internals. I use an Arduino Nano and a ST7920 display. For video input, I took a cheap Full HD camera

Components without a Camera
A cheap camera is getting a better life
Assembled module


I would like to create a module I can reuse in many other my projects. Also, I would like to make it accessible to other developers and robotic enthusiasts, so I plan to develop a detailed instruction on how to build your own rEmotion at home as a part of the project documentation
