
Fast Prototyping of Mechatronics

A project log for rEmotion – a Module with Visual Input and Output

Robotic head for robotic enthusiasts

andrei-gramakovAndrei Gramakov 08/25/2024 at 20:190 Comments

I finally tried Raspberry Pi Pico, and I was shocked. Writing hardware logic in Python is the simplest prototyping method, period. Now, details. To test the MicroPython I came up with a project I saw implemented on Arduino – a stepper motor controlled with a thumb stick.

I did a shallow googling and implemented everything using the code (plus a 3rd-party module stepper):

from machine import Pin, ADC
import stepper
import utime

xAxis = ADC(Pin(27))
yAxis = ADC(Pin(26))
button = Pin(16,Pin.IN, Pin.PULL_UP)

# Define the stepper motor pins
IN1 = 21

IN2 = 20 IN3 = 19 IN4 = 18 # Initialize the stepper motor stepper_motor = stepper.HalfStepMotor.frompins(IN1, IN2, IN3, IN4) # Set the current position as position 0 stepper_motor.reset() while True: xValue = xAxis.read_u16() buttonValue = button.value() if xValue <= 600: print("Moving left") stepper_motor.step(-100) elif xValue >= 60000: print("Moving right") stepper_motor.step(100)

It is insane! Without thinking much, I’ve 3d-printed 3 parts and added the stepper to my rEmotion project.

I am impressed. The MCU now is part of my daily tools!
