
Badge Ribbon for CircuitPython

Improve your paper conference badge with some blinking lights.

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Some conferences offer those colorful ribbons that you can stick to your paper badge to indicate your interests, or the fact that it's your first time on that conference, or your pronouns, etc. I decided I want something like that to indicate that I'm interested in Python on microcontrollers, but I thought that maybe making it a little bit more flashy, with blinking lights, would be a good idea.

gerber files

Zip Archive - 43.97 kB - 06/06/2024 at 14:51


  • Assembly

    deʃhipu06/06/2024 at 11:52 0 comments

    I finally got both the PCBs and the LEDs, so it's time to assemble it all.

    In hindsight, I should have left the traces covered by soldermask somehow, but it was too hard to do in EasyEDA. Oh well, they are not visible anyways.

    The lights look good, especially after being covered by hot glue on the back side, to improve light diffusion. I probably should have added one more LED in the upper left corner of the logo.

    I think that if I do something similar again, I will place the LEDs outside of the transparent areas, and let the hot glue pipe the light to them. This way there won't be visible spots of light.

    All in all, the project is very simple, but should be useful at the conferences.

  • The Design

    deʃhipu06/06/2024 at 11:47 0 comments

    I started with the #Blinka files I already had from my previous projects. I had to resize and fix them a little to fit on the new form factor. Then it was just a question of finding the right kind of flashing LEDs – unfortunately I couldn't find them on LCSC, so I just ordered them from Aliexpress. I got two kinds, slow and fast, and I plan to mix them.

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