
Wood you like my business card?

Simple and inexpensive business card with RFID.

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A simple way to create custom business cards, made of wood (well, plywood plus veneer) and an RFID sticker.

Happy carding :-)

What you need:

  • thin veneer (e.g. walnut or plywood)
  • thin aviation plywood (1 mm)
  • wood glue with press (e.g. some heavy books)
  • RFID sticker tag (e.g. NTAG213)
  • smartphone (iphone, android) to program the RFID with contact information
  • laser cutter or engraver

Instead using veneer+plywood+RFID sticker, you can order 'blank' wood business cards (e.g. AliExpress).

That way you don't need to cut the wood and can use a laser engraver instead of a cutter.

  • 1
    Step 1
    1. place RFID sticker on plywood
    2. cover both sides with glue
    3. add veneer on both sides
    4. press it it together and let the glue dry
    5. use a laser cutter/engraver to write logo/information (be careful not to burn through the area with the RFID sticker
    6. but out the business card
    7. use the smartphone (e.g. with the NFC tools app) to program the RFID (e.g. with a weblink or the contact information)
    8. hand out the card to your contact

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Freeday82 wrote 06/14/2024 at 20:47 point

from a former regular user of HSLU's fantastic little FabLab: congrats, great project!

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