
Static Sensing Biz Card

Concept of a business card that can show if stray static voltage is present. Trying to bring down unknown polarity voltage to 5V.

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Trying to get 8-16kV of ESD through some passive components without burning them up. Ultimately to power an LED for a little longer than the static is present. Last ditch effort will be to scrap the LED and passives and wire up the contact points to a neon lamp. Wish me luck!


Pic of the ESD testing that took place.

JPEG Image - 548.10 kB - 11/18/2024 at 20:34


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  • 1
    Review schematic

    I included the schematic in with the images. It was the 2nd entry. If you wish to see how to build this project, there is also a video link on the main page. Ultimately, you only need a neon bulb and a business card sized PCB with exposed traces to get this working. Please message if you would like more details. Otherwise, enjoy the content linked throughout this page.

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unit 7101856 wrote 11/18/2024 at 20:33 point

I was fairly certain that this would not work. I still wanted to try! ;)

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loptide wrote 08/24/2024 at 03:04 point

Umm, not likely to have enough current to generate visible light.  You will probably need a small battery and high-impedance amplification for this to work.

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