
Demo Firmware

A project log for RPi Pico Video4

A RPI Pico RP2040 board with 4 composite video outputs, 8 inputs and switched power

magicwolfiMagicWolfi 07/07/2024 at 16:470 Comments

3 Demo firmware packages will be available soon:

1) A memory test that checks for I2C EEPROM, SPI Flash and writes a character set, a Amiga Boing Ball demo and a test image into Flash memory.

2) A graphics demo that displays the following test routines on all 4 channels:

3) A serial port command line application, geared towards storing and displaying BMP images. Some test images are shown in the image gallery for this project.

Here is a list of implemented commands:

w[1-8] Write Image into Buffer 1-8
w0     Write Logo Image into Memory 128x128 px^2
i[1-8] Colour convert and write Image into Buffer 1-8
i0     Colour convert and write Logo Image into Memory 128x128 px^2
s[0-8] Show Image[0-8] on screen
m[0-8] Show Memory Dump of Image[0-8] 'x':Exit 'anykey':next page
d[0-9] Delete memory section of Image[0-9]
c      Clear Screen
v      Show Version
?      This help command

 Images [1..8] are also displayed, when a respective input is set. If one input is active, the power output of the the board is active as well.  
