
Demonstration App

A project log for ESP32-S3 PowerFeather

Low-power, Feather-format ESP32 dev board for LiPo/Li-Ion and solar powered IoT projects

powerfeatherdevpowerfeatherdev 07/14/2024 at 11:540 Comments

I created a demo app to explore the power management and monitoring features. It is based on Arduino and uses PowerFeather-SDK. So, follow these instructions to add support for the ESP32-S3 PowerFeather in the Arduino IDE and install the PowerFeather-SDK library.

Once done, you can download the demo app source code as a ZIP file on GitHub. Extract the ZIP file and open the project in Arduino IDE.

Demo source code as a ZIP file from GitHub

Afterwards, install the additional libraries needed by the demo app: ESPAsyncWebServer and ESPUI.

Additional demo dependencies

Don't forget to set the target board to "ESP32-S3 PowerFeather". You should now be able to build the demo app and flash it onto your ESP32-S3 PowerFeather like any other Arduino sketch.

Building the ESP32-S3 PowerFeather demo with Arduino

Once the demo app is up and running on the ESP32-S3 PowerFeather, it acts as an access point and serves the demo web app. A phone, tablet or computer can connect to this access point, and the demo app can then be loaded by a web browser at the IP address

Tablet connected to ESP32-S3 PowerFeather AP, loaded demo app on browser

Tablet connected to ESP32-S3 PowerFeather AP, loaded demo app on browser

The demo web app is a dashboard displaying information and controls of some power-related parameters of the ESP32-S3 PowerFeather:

With the demo app flashed on the ESP32-S3 PowerFeather, we can now perform the demonstrations.
