Step 1 : Take off the rubber sleeve from the top of the unit and then untwist the solar cap to reveal the top circuit board.
Step 2 : Following photo 2 make the mods shown including removing the small pulldown resistor, adding the 10k pullup resistor and adding the TX jumper wire.
Step 3 : Following photo 3 unscrew the four screws in the bottom of the unit and open up the base of the unit.
Step 4 : Following photo 4 make the two wire mods to create the serial output cable and drill the wire egress hole and reassemble.
Step 5 : connect to the Meshtastic node serial pins. Photo 5 shows where to solder into the Rak4631.
Step 6 : Optionally install serial wire coupler connection for ease of disconnect as shows in photo 6.
Step 7 : When enabling the serial mode WS85 in meshtastic configuration use pins 15, 16