Quantity   Component name
1 × JLW T1 CNC router engraving mill PCB milling machine That the 3 axis mechanical base, with 3 ball screws, X + Y each one linear rail, Z has 2, 65mm spindle mount 300x200x60
2 × Stepper Motor Nema 23 (XY) 282 oz/in 3A 1/4" Single Shaft Stepper Motor 0.9 Degree/step (KL23H276-30-4AM)
1 × Stepper Motor Nema 23 (Z) 185oz/in 3A Stepper Motor ¼” Dual shaft (KL23H256-21-8B)
4 × KL-4042D Digital Stepper Driver
1 × Water-cooled SPINDLE MOTOR 0.8KW 65mm x 205mm/ ER 11 collet/220V 24'000rpm
1 × Hitachi J100-004SFE5 VFD 220V 375Hz 1KW
1 × CNC USB Controller MK2 up to 9 Stepper Motor 100KHz, Connectors for Limit, Jog, Input, Output, Ctrl & Extern
1 × Transformer
1 × Mac Pro Case the old one with the handles on top
1 × Rectifier, capacitors, fuses, switches, Emergency Stop mushroom button
1 × LCD-Display NHD-0240AZ-FL-YBW STN- Y/G 2x 40 char