
First Ideas

A project log for Project Battlesnakes

A classic game of snake, but with a twist and added hardware constraints.

phil-weaselPhil Weasel 07/29/2024 at 16:150 Comments

First thought is obviously on what to use as a display. Modules are first too expensive and second against my own rule.

So whats left ... 7 segment display? The LED´s look like snakes so it might be a fun idea. But no.

Since i want to make it a two player game, i might want to add some color to distinguish between the players. So RGB LED´s it is. But there are two problems. Affordable ones are in crazy small packages, and programmable ones are too expensive.

Enter: Dual Color LED´s.

these to be precise

They might not be as fancy, but do the job for a bit lower price. Also with the added advantage of having one pin less which will be useful later.

For size i settled for a classic 8x8 matrix. Increasing the playfield just increases the cost exponentially and this feels OK.

Maybe something for another project.
