
ChatGPT helps create a video game

I created a video game using an Arduino Nano. First, I used an online simulator, then I built it for real. Plus, I asked ChatGPT for help

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When ChatGPT first came out, I wondered if it was capable of helping me create a video game. I grabbed the hardware I had on hand: an Arduino Nano, a 4-panel MAX7219 dot matrix display, and some buttons, and got started. I also wondered if I could create the game in a simulator first, then make the hardware. So, I used an online browser-based simulator called Wokwi to create the hardware and software. Finally, when everything was running in the browser, I made the hardware version of the game and downloaded the source code from the Wokwi project to the real hardware.

The results were actually quite good. The Wokwi code ran on the real hardware, but the display was backwards. After a quick change to the software, it was running on my hardware.

I created a 3-part video series on my YouTube channel, Gerry's Tech. I think they were some of the first videos I ever attempted, so they are pretty rough :)

In the end, it was an interesting experiment.

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BRUCE WANS wrote 08/13/2024 at 18:59 point

Its very interesting, for using browser, I recommend you to use vidmate apk because of its incredible multimedia, entertaining features. Download it from the official store:

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annafrost2390 wrote 08/08/2024 at 14:19 point

It`s interesting!

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