
Open firmware

A project log for Digitabulum: The last motion-capture glove

Digitabulum is an open motion-capture glove that was intended to be a full-featured, hacker-friendly user-input and sensor platform.

j-ian-lindsayJ. Ian Lindsay 11/28/2015 at 22:240 Comments

Digitabulum's firmware is open source. There isn't much to it right now, because we're still grappling with boiler-plate hardware drivers. The firmware will be using FreeRTOS as its core scheduling and threading model, with ManuvrOS as the messaging and protocol layer.

Most of our time recently has been put into the host-side tools and deep hardware. So now is a great time to take recommendations for the firmware organization. I've not designed with FreeRTOS before, but I'm learning on other projects. Seems straight-forward enough. I'll write a blog post in the coming days to describe the current state, where we want to be, and what needs to be done regarding the firmware.

If we stay on-target, we will be releasing the first quarter of 2016. We have yet to get the digit flex PCBs rolled, but we are quite optimistic about them.



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