

A project log for Tiny Bit Machine

An 8-bit solar powered gadget.

gordonGordon 08/18/2024 at 14:540 Comments

I have some business paperwork to do today as well as a woodworking project, but I plan on getting at least one more feature added to the interpreter.

I realized while designing the interpreter that it is just an extremely simplified version of a bigger project I am working on (currently paused due to lack of time and more important projects) GORK, which you can read about on my [github] if you are curious.

TGRK stands for Tiny General Reusable Keywords, which I think fits this better than "OPs" as i have been calling them. So now I will call this interpreted language that runs on the Tiny Bit Machine TGRK, or TG if I need to really abbreviate it.

Last night I started designing a pcb on easyEDA for this device. I am torn because I want to have all through hole components for people who are new to soldering, but SMD parts are much cheaper and fit easier on a smaller board. Maybe I will make two versions.
