After close to three years of not having a temporary pond to obtain some tadpoles to raise, thanks largely to Tropical Storm Debby's rain, I got a temporary pond long enough to obtain some tadpoles.
As a precaution, I've put the remaining "Looks like Originals" class member in a container with a low water level to avoid the risk of drowning. Like some others, the fella likes to act as a Tree Frog and scale the sides (I'll try to get a photo of it.) I'm waiting for a warmer day for graduation, but I can't wait too long. I've decided to name this last one "Last one out."
I was very busy yesterday to do a post. I wanted to announce the last remaining member of "The Three Amigos" group becoming a froglet. I regret to say he soon passed away after being a froglet for a short while.
Our sole remaining froglet and class member appears to be doing well so far. Hopefully he'll make it to graduation so that this season may end on a positive note.
First the sad news: the smaller of the two remaining "Looks like Originals" group passed away. The fella was laid to rest with others in the tadpole cemetery.
In happier news, the remaining member of the "Looks like Originals" group has been transferred to another container to allow the froglet to get up on a rock (Pinecone rock in this case, which I'll place in the container tomorrow) when he's ready.
I forgot to mention that yesterday, the grey fur resident decided to stick her paw in a pipe that had a Black Widow. In short, let's just say I evicted that spider to be charitable. I normally leave them alone, but at the risk of the possibility of a major sad happening, I intervened.
The larger member of the "Looks like Originals" group has entered the froglet stage. Sorry for no photo today, I'll get one tomorrow. The smaller member of the "Looks like Originals" group that I'm concerned about is still alive today. Happy Lord's Day.
The smaller of the two of the remaining "Looks like Originals" class members appears to be unwell, may very well pass away in a day or two. Not too surprising considering the fella seems to have stopped growing and developing. The other two tadpoles still seam healthy and are on the verge on entering the froglet stage.
Still no froglets yet, but one in the "Looks like Originals" group is looking really close. The grey fur resident also paid a visit. I did a water change for "The Three Amigos" group jar.
They're sure taking their time of becoming froglets. Two of the three remaining look to be getting close. Hopefully sooner rather than later before colder temperatures set in.
They're taking their time about entering the froglet stage. They grey fur resident came by as usual for her meals and for attention. Been revisiting my TV-B-ON project as of late. I'll make a post on that project page soonish.
Raising tadpoles sounds like a rewarding experience, especially with all the unique setups people have been sharing lately! I recently cleared out part of my yard to make space for a small pond, but it was a bit tricky with some large overgrown trees in the way. If you’re dealing with similar issues, there’s a great tree removal Rosemead CA that helped me out. They managed everything from trimming branches to removing stumps, making the space much safer and tidier.
Raising tadpoles sounds like a rewarding experience, especially with all the unique setups people have been sharing lately! I recently cleared out part of my yard to make space for a small pond, but it was a bit tricky with some large overgrown trees in the way. If you’re dealing with similar issues, there’s a great tree removal Rosemead CA that helped me out. They managed everything from trimming branches to removing stumps, making the space much safer and tidier.