Initially I started with the RP2040 and that was a success, then in v3 I used an ESP32-S3 and a new display and additional circuits but that didn't go so well. Now after my summer internship, I've got a second wind with this project now that the RP2350 has been released.
4 new blog posts relating to Link port/IR, cart reading (which I couldn't add), the esp32 implementation for bluetooth audio and controller support, and a software update improving the colors and adding the rtc functionality.
After getting the new boards in 2 weeks ago and working on some of the software I have an update for everyone with lots of posts and documentation on the blog along with some posts on reddit. Let me know what you think!
Finished designing the PCB and got 5 ordered which I am hoping to get in the next 2 weeks. As for now until next wednesday I will be focusing on my school and then after start writing code.
New blog posts on the site along with some cool features added in such as Stereo Audio, support for a bluetooth audio module, support for dual speakers, and a real time clock.
Clarifying some timing with the IO expander along with 2 relating to the DVI over HDMI implementation. More coming soon such as the revised GPIO pin out and part sourcing.
I think documenting this project is pretty fun and keeps everything organized and I wanted to share this publicly in the case it helps anyone or you're just curious of whats going on.