
Boards arrived! Let the bring-up begin!

A project log for Etch sAo Sketch

No explanation needed!

andy-geppertAndy Geppert 10/10/2024 at 04:552 Comments

Oh yeah, these look good!

Here are the copper alignment balls in position:

With a gentle pressure between the two boards, the spheres nestle into the holes in the boards and provide alignment between them. They are soldering in place and secure the bottom edge of the boards together:

And final soldered of the OLED header pins on the top edge, to connect and secure the other end:

And now for some potentiometers:

Then apply the proper knobs:

Now it's time for some coding and testing. I ran example code for the OLED and Accelerometer and it worked! In the photo, I'm only connect to the SAO via the four pins that are also anchored to the OLED display. 

Next, I need to tie it all together and get the user interface "just right." Including the accelerometers!


jeremy.geppert wrote 10/10/2024 at 11:40 point

That is a ballsy technique to attach the boards. [Groan]. Looks awesome! 

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Andy Geppert wrote 10/10/2024 at 13:01 point


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