
BANDIT a standalone RP2350 ColorForth Computer

BANDIT is an RP2350 standalone computer that runs PC32 ColorForth natively.

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The BANDIT Project aims to produce a simple machine that is easy to learn and enjoyable to program games in.

Pre-orders are live at
Stay tuned for a demo with the newly designed boards!

The current design specs are as follows:

Self contained baremetal PC32 ColorForth contains bootloader core, source code editor, THUMB assembler, palette and graphics editor, music tracker and documentation. 

Easy to learn, easy to modify and FAST.

  • RP2350 running at 250Mhz Dual Core
  • 8MB memory mapped PSRAM (battery backed)
  • 4MB QSPI FLASH for alternative storage
  • 256 color palette
  • VGA or HDMI compatible output
  • 320x240 or 640x480 screen resolution double buffered
  • 3000 8x8 sprites at 60fps
  • 400+ textured triangles at 60fps
  • 16bit I2S sound programmable in software: 6 channel FMsynth + PCM
  • SDcard storage
  • Wireless connection via ESP8266
  • 32 key keyboard w mechanical switches
  • 3.2 inch IPS panel(320x240) with capacitive touch, works as a secondary screen when connected to a monitor display
  • 1000mah battery suitable for low power operation in portable mode, used as PSRAM backup power normally

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M. Edward (Ed) Borasky wrote 01/15/2025 at 23:05 point

Thanks!! An 8 MB flash would leave plenty of space for a LittleFS filesystem.

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M. Edward (Ed) Borasky wrote 01/15/2025 at 22:13 point

Is there flash on the BANDIT? I see an SD card and PSRAM in the specs, but no flash.

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Julian DSCF wrote 01/15/2025 at 22:31 point

Oh yeah, definitely. You need it for the bootloader, I'm only using it for boot and to store the base recovery image though. All the data and blocks live in volatile memory until committed to the SDcard although you can write it to flash as well. Am adding a standard 4 or 8MB one

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