
Update #6

A project log for Infrared Communication SAO

A SAO board that can be used to communicate to other SAO boards through infrared.

alec-probstAlec Probst 09/13/2024 at 22:400 Comments

Hi all,

While we're waiting for our first batch of PCB's to come in, I wanted to start going over out software plan with you.

In our first update, Update #0, we talked about our goals which you can see below:


While these are overall goals for the project, we also have some specific software goals:

Software Goals:

With this in mind, we want to use ATTinyCore as our go-to Arduino core. This is done for a couple reasons:

We also want to use Arduino-IRremote as out IR Protocol library. This was done as:

As we get closer to programming our ATTiny85, here's a YouTube video we're following to program it:
