

smart miniature 5x7 LED Matrix with SAO header

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Next generation of my #reDOT_smart project. Same size and pixel pitch, BUT RGB!
As its predecessor this is a tiny smart 5x7 RGB Matrix iwth a Microcontrolle included on the back. This Time I used WS2812-style 1010 RGB LEDs and a ATtiny816-M Microcontroller

It will be tiny...

  • 1 × ATtiny816-M 8-Bit Microcontroller
  • 35 × RGB LED with Controller Xinglight XL-1010RGBC-WS2812B (LCSC# C5349953)
  • 3 × Capacitor 0402, 1µF, X7R, 10V
  • 1 × SMD Pinheader 2x2 4p SAO - 2.54 pitch

  • Finally working

    Alex10/14/2024 at 23:02 1 comment

    The Matrix is finally working. 'Only' four LEDs needed to be replaced before the whole string was working. Early testing Firmware is running! I also used PlatformIO and Visual Studio Code which was surprisingly nice and fast to work with.

    Files are also now on gitHub:

    Will shoot some more nice Images now an post them

    There is still much to do - for example all the i2c stuff. But the current state show that the most important part the LED Matrix is working.

  • PCB solderd

    Alex09/11/2024 at 16:56 0 comments

    PCBs (made by Aisler) are solderd, but not yet tested and there is also no Firmware yet

    Here are some images. There is still a frame around the PCB. This frame will be removed later. The coin is a quarter USD. The inner PCB is tiny (8x11mm

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