
Finishing touches, Wireless and more.

A project log for Capacitive Touch Keyboard Business Card

A PCB business card that are a usb-c touch keyboard

ricardo-daniel-de-paulaRicardo Daniel de Paula 09/26/2024 at 22:023 Comments
Here's the finished schematic. I added a programming header and a wireless antenna.Here's a close look at the antenna and main electronics:

And here's (probably) the finished result::


biemster wrote 10/17/2024 at 08:26 point

These chips are programmable over USB right? You could omit the programming header then, although having it doesn't look bad at all.

I think you can even omit the 32k crystal, run on the internal clk?

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Ricardo Daniel de Paula wrote 10/19/2024 at 18:28 point

The ideia is not solder the header on it, so it doesn't add cost at all, but i will probably need it to real time debbug the firmware, so i added it anyway.

About the crystal, i read that the Bluetooth doesn't work great with the internal oscillator.

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biemster wrote 10/19/2024 at 18:38 point

Yeah I figured something like that indeed. About the crystal, I did not know that! I have some ch592 devboards I can run a few tests on if you are interested? (I will probably do this for another project I have somewhere along the way, but that will take a few months more)

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