

ITA bags are used for pins and plushies - comes from cringe / painful fandom and people putting too many stickers on cars

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I had an idea for an ITA bag but for simple add-ons. Think MOLLE or PALS but with connectors to hold the SAOs. And then there's a power supply in the bag and a transparent foil to protect them.

Changed my mind on the MOLLE/PALS idea for the ITA SAO BAG. Instead I've blocked out these 5x5 cm squares and will have the connectors spread out like this instead.

Screenshot 2024-10-13 at 02.55.43.png

Portable Network Graphics (PNG) - 81.30 kB - 10/13/2024 at 01:06


Screenshot 2024-10-13 at 02.55.55.png

Portable Network Graphics (PNG) - 104.25 kB - 10/13/2024 at 01:06


  • power distribution boards

    davedarko10/13/2024 at 01:03 0 comments

    I designed them so I can use two boards for the bag, as that was cheaper. I'm using a Raspberry Pi Pico for I2C stuff and also the nice buck boost on board.

    designed and ordered!

  • sewing the inlay

    davedarko10/02/2024 at 11:31 0 comments

    I decided to buy an ITA SAO bag and then sew the simple add-on inlay for it. I started like I would do welt pockets, but doing 44 of them simultaniously. You start with the two "good" sides facing each other and sew them together with the square opening you want to achieve. After sewing, I've cut the black cotton canvas material diagonally, so I could then cut a crossed hole right up to the corners and fold the flaps through the hole and basically turn it around. There are better and worse results when doing it 44 times, but this will probably hidden well enough with a lot of SAOs anyways.

    I will probably cut up the wires and do the connectors next and then sew everything together.

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Per Jensen wrote 11/04/2024 at 14:07 point

The title is all screwed up FYI. ""cringe" / "painful""

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davedarko wrote 11/04/2024 at 20:11 point


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Richard Hogben wrote 10/21/2024 at 17:11 point

Now this is wearable computing

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davedarko wrote 10/21/2024 at 17:28 point

controlled by the RP2040 PI COW it's basically a biggern supercon badge now :D

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