
Current Hardware

A project log for DIAVOX Cellphone

Turning an old diavox phone into a cellphone. No smart stuff, just a telephone. Pick up the handset and dial just like the old days.

anders-helgessonAnders Helgesson 09/16/2024 at 19:340 Comments

The Diavox telephone

Disassembled Diavox elephone

Here is the disassembled diavox. I removed most of the PCB components before I left Sweden. Left the ones I will use such as the keypad matrix, R button, handset switch and screw terminals. The original cables were discarded and I found a good cable for the handset. The white plastic next to the bell ringer is a mechanical volume control for the bells.

Other hardware

LiPo cells, antennas, Pimeroni Pico LiPo, LTE Modem, 40 volt PSU, H-Bridge, LiPo shim and a SLG46826V breakout board.

I also have parts for breadboarding and other miscellaneous stuff.

Other hardware I need to accquire
