
Programming toolchain

A project log for DIAVOX Cellphone

Turning an old diavox phone into a cellphone. No smart stuff, just a telephone. Pick up the handset and dial just like the old days.

anders-helgessonAnders Helgesson 09/29/2024 at 05:260 Comments

I've decided to use rust to program the pico for this project. I've downloaded and setup all the tools I need. I successfully compiled the rp-hal rust  blink example for the pimeroni pico lipo and used cargo run to flash it. LED blinks.

Next I connected the debug probe and created a new diavox project using the rp-2040-project-template. Tried the same example and had minor problem with an include in the code which I fixed. Installed some additional missing dependencies and set up a udev rule for the debug probe. Then flashing using the debug probe worked perfectly with no problems at all.

I learned something new, that using the debug probe I do not need to have the UART console connected at all. I didn't know that so now I have 2 more pins that can be used. Leaving me with 4 free pins.

Setting up the rust toolchain was very easy. Now with that finished I can move on to other parts of the project.
