First Attempt: Generating MIDI Note-On and Note-Off with ChatGPT
As the first step in this challenge, I tried creating a Z80 assembler program using ChatGPT.
While it is well-known that ChatGPT excels at generating programs in languages like Python, I am unsure if it can create a Z80 assembler program. For this attempt, I used "ChatGPT 4.0" (paid version). This version is relatively unrestricted and allows for the creation of customized GPTs, which I plan to try later.
Anyway, I entered the following prompt:
"Show me a program to send MIDI note messages in Z80 assembler. MIDI messages are sent via ACIA at $A0. The program should start at $8000. Please include an ACIA initialize routine."
As a result, I received the following output:
; Z80 Assembly Program to send MIDI Note messages via ACIA at $A0 ; Program starts at $8000 ORG $8000 ; Program starting address START: ; Initialize ACIA LD A, $03 ; Control register: 8 data bits, no parity, 1 stop bit, divide by 16 clock OUT ($A0), A ; Write to ACIA control register ; Send MIDI Note On (Channel 1, Note 60, Velocity 127) CALL MIDI_NOTE_ON ; Delay (for demonstration purposes) CALL DELAY ; Send MIDI Note Off (Channel 1, Note 60, Velocity 0) CALL MIDI_NOTE_OFF ; End of program loop JR START ; Jump to the beginning to repeat ; Routine to send MIDI Note On MIDI_NOTE_ON: LD A, $90 ; Status byte for Note On, Channel 1 CALL SEND_BYTE LD A, $3C ; Note number (Middle C) CALL SEND_BYTE LD A, $7F ; Velocity (maximum) CALL SEND_BYTE RET ; Return from subroutine ; Routine to send MIDI Note Off MIDI_NOTE_OFF: LD A, $80 ; Status byte for Note Off, Channel 1 CALL SEND_BYTE LD A, $3C ; Note number (Middle C) CALL SEND_BYTE LD A, $00 ; Velocity (0) CALL SEND_BYTE RET ; Return from subroutine ; Routine to send a byte to the ACIA SEND_BYTE: ; Wait until ACIA is ready to transmit WAIT_TX_READY: IN A, ($A0) ; Read status register BIT 1, A ; Check if transmit buffer is empty (bit 1) JR Z, WAIT_TX_READY ; If not empty, wait ; Send the byte OUT ($A0), A ; Send byte to ACIA data register RET ; Return from subroutine ; Delay routine (simple loop for demonstration) DELAY: LD BC, $FFFF ; Load BC with a large value DELAY_LOOP: DEC BC ; Decrement BC LD A, B ; Check if BC reached 0 OR C JR NZ, DELAY_LOOP ; If not zero, keep looping RET ; Return from subroutine
At first glance, it looks correct. I will review the contents in more detail later, but for now, I asked it to assemble the code and display the result.
"Please assemble this program and show me the Intel hex file, which can run on an actual Z80 CPU."
I received the following output:
It seems that I currently don't have access to the required module to generate the Intel HEX file. However, I can provide the bytecode for the Z80 assembly program, which you can use to assemble it using a Z80 assembler that supports Intel HEX output. Here is the bytecode in hexadecimal format, starting at address $8000: 8000: 3E 03 ; LD A, $03 8002: D3 A0 ; OUT ($A0), A 8004: CD 08 80 ; CALL MIDI_NOTE_ON 8007: CD 1A 80 ; CALL DELAY 800A: CD 0E 80 ; CALL MIDI_NOTE_OFF 800D: 18 F6 ; JR START 800F: 3E 90 ; LD A, $90 8011: CD 22 80 ; CALL SEND_BYTE 8014: 3E 3C ; LD A, $3C 8016: CD 22 80 ; CALL SEND_BYTE 8019: 3E 7F ; LD A, $7F 801B: CD 22 80 ; CALL SEND_BYTE 801E: C9 ; RET 801F: 3E 80 ; LD A, $80 8021: CD 22 80 ; CALL SEND_BYTE 8024: 3E 3C ; LD A, $3C 8026: CD 22 80 ; CALL SEND_BYTE 8029: 3E 00 ; LD A, $00 802B: CD 22 80 ; CALL SEND_BYTE 802E: C9 ; RET 802F: DB A0 ; IN A, ($A0) 8031: CB 4A ; BIT 1, A 8033: 28 FB ; JR Z, WAIT_TX_READY 8035: D3 A0 ; OUT ($A0), A 8037: C9 ; RET 8038: 01 FF FF ; LD BC, $FFFF 803B: 0B ; DEC BC 803C: 78 ; LD A, B 803D: B1 ; OR C 803E: 20 FB ; JR NZ, DELAY_LOOP 8040: C9 ; RET
No HEX file was output, but an assembly listing was provided. Of course, I need to verify whether the generated code is correct, and I plan to do that later.
If a HEX file were generated, it would have been convenient, as it could be copied and pasted directly into the Small Computer Monitor. Unfortunately, that was not the case.
From this experiment, I learned the following:
- ChatGPT can generate Z80 assembler programs.
- It has knowledge of MIDI and produced appropriate code.
- It cannot generate HEX files.
By the way, the conversation is publicly available. You can view it from the following link:
As the result of inspection, I found at least one error exist in the code. The address of data register in ACIA should be $A1, not $A0. I need to change it by myself, or ask CharGPT to correct it.
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