
Update [Oct 7, 12:47 AM PDT] - The FUFF MUX SAO has a PCB sponsor!

A project log for F.U.F.F. Mux SAO

A Florida-flavored multiplexer for other SAOs

patrick-lloydPatrick Lloyd 10/15/2024 at 01:320 Comments

Today, Liam from PCBWay reached out to me over the DMs and offered to have PCBWay sponsor the prototype fab run of the FUFF MUX!  I'm very excited about this partnership. I've seen some of the amazing projects that PCBWay has been a part of, as well as some of the cool (and informative) videos they've posted over the years.

I'm still polishing up the PCB design (making silkscreen pretty, squashing some last-minute DRC issues, etc.) but stay tuned for more info as we move toward a sick-awesome custom FUFF MUX board.
