Unlike the Padauk PMS150C microcontroller, which you can only upload a program once, the PFC232 supports multiple rewrites. However, since my current workflow does not allow me to do onboard programming, it would be a hassle to de-solder the chip to do reprogramming each time I change the code. So I used Padauk's ICE 5S-I-S02B hardware emulator. It doesn't support my particular PFC232 IC, so instead I emulated it using PMS132B settings.

I also made a custom FPC connector board with the same PFC232 footprint that replaces the original IC so I can connect the POV board to the emulator:

After doing this, I wrote Padauk Mini-C code to test each part of the hardware individually. I was able to verify that each piece of the hardware worked. The LEDs all lighted up and I was able to read from the ADXL345 accelerometer, a very good sign things are going well.
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