
Persistence of Vision POV Display SAO

Accelerometer-based Hand-waved POV display with front and back LEDs, creating a 5 pixel x 12 char display. Message customizable via I2C.

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This project is my entry for the Hackaday Supercon 8 Add-On SAO contest. It’s an accelerometer-based hand-waved POV display featuring front and back LEDs to create two 5 pixel x 12 character display. The device uses an ADXL345 accelerometer to track motion, enabling the user to just wave the SAO to show a message. Users can customize the message displayed via I2C, allowing flexibility in creating unique text or patterns. The combination of front and back LEDs ensures visibility from multiple angles, making this a versatile and engaging display for any application.

If I manage to make this work, I will mass(ish) produce as many as I can and hand out these for free at the Supercon 2024 for those who are going!

POV (Persistence of Vision) displays work by rapidly moving a set of LEDs or lights in a specific pattern while turning them on and off at precise intervals. This creates the illusion of a stable image or text because the human eye retains each light's position for a brief moment, blending the sequence of lights into a continuous visual. The timing and speed of movement are critical to achieving clear and legible visuals.

This particular POV display will have the following tentative specs:

  • Hand-wave operated
  • ADXL345 accelerometer to detect motion
  • 5 front LEDs (probably white)
  • 5 back LEDs (probably white)
  • Padauk PFC232 Microcontroller to handle the logic
  • SAO compatible so you can put it on your badge
  • User can use the SAO to customize the display message via I2C

PFC232 datasheet_EN_V004_20240220..pdf

PFC232 datasheet

Adobe Portable Document Format - 2.64 MB - 10/04/2024 at 23:10



ADXL345 datasheet

Adobe Portable Document Format - 481.83 kB - 10/04/2024 at 23:10


POV Display SAO.sch

Eagle PCB Schematic

sch - 402.55 kB - 10/04/2024 at 23:09


POV Display SAO.brd

Eagle PCB Layout

brd - 85.67 kB - 10/04/2024 at 23:09


  • 1 × ADXL345 accelerometer
  • 1 × PFC232 microconroller
  • 10 × 0603 LED white
  • 10 × 0603 1K resistor
  • 2 × 0603 10K resistor

View all 6 components

  • Final Product

    Michael Yim10/22/2024 at 07:15 0 comments

    I'm pleased to share that the production run was a resounding success! Out of the entire batch, I now have 128 fully functional units, with only three ending up non-functional—an impressive outcome. The yield exceeded my initial expectations, likely thanks to the straightforward design and the precision setup of the LumenPnP pick-and-place machine.

    Here are some pictures of the final product:

    For those of you going to Supercon 2024, I'll be giving all these out for free! Hope to meet you there!

  • Testing Rig

    Michael Yim10/19/2024 at 19:54 0 comments

    To streamline the testing process, I put together a quick and simple testing rig using an Arduino Pro Micro, a tactile button, and a protoboard. This setup allows me to power the POV display and test its functionality efficiently.

    Once I connect a USB cable to the Arduino Pro Micro, it provides power to the entire rig, including the POV display. The moment power is applied, I can wave the POV board back and forth to ensure both the front and back LEDs are functioning correctly. If the POV shows the message "SUPERCON8" correctly, it confirms that the basic hardware and display logic are working.

    Next, I test the message change mode. This is initiated by double-tapping the POV board, which switches it into a specific mode that allows uploading a new message. This feature is handy, as it lets me reprogram the message directly without disconnecting or resetting the board every time.

    Finally, I press the tactile button connected to the Arduino Pro Micro. This button triggers an interrupt routine on the microcontroller, which immediately uploads a new message—in this case, "HELLO"—to the POV display. 

  • Production Run!

    Michael Yim10/17/2024 at 23:55 0 comments

    The PCBs and components have arrived, and everything is looking great! I’ve completed the first panel, which holds a dozen of the POV displays, and I’m really pleased with how they turned out. My goal is to manufacture at least 100 fully functional units. I have enough parts on hand to build around 120 units, but I’m being realistic—my yield likely won’t be 100%, so there may be a few casualties along the way.

    I plan to keep building until I completely exhaust my supply of parts. But once I hit that 100 unit milestone, I’ll consider the project a success and officially wrap it up. It’s been quite a journey bringing this idea to life, and seeing the displays assembled and functioning feels incredibly rewarding. I can’t wait to see how they perform when they’re all in the hands of users!

  • Supported ASCII Characters

    Michael Yim10/17/2024 at 09:32 0 comments

    Given the limited memory available, I opted to support only a small subset of ASCII characters to ensure efficient performance. This selective approach allows me to maximize the display's functionality while keeping memory usage low. Below is the list of supported characters:

    • A-Z (caps only)
    • 0-9
    • Space
    • !
    • "
    • #
    • %
    • '
    • (
    • )
    • *
    • +
    • ,
    • -
    • .
    • /
    • :
    • <
    • =
    • >

    By focusing on essential characters, the system can still convey meaningful information without overwhelming the memory. This subset covers common letters, numbers, and symbols frequently used in typical messages, ensuring the POV display remains useful and practical for various applications. If needed, additional characters could be supported later by optimizing other parts of the code or by swapping in new character sets dynamically via I2C.

  • Default POV Message

    Michael Yim10/17/2024 at 04:26 0 comments

    Instead of requiring users to upload a message before testing the POV display, I aimed to provide a default message right out of the box for an easy, hassle-free experience. This way, users can interact with the display immediately without needing to figure out the upload instructions. To achieve this, I modified the state machine and configured the accelerometer to detect a double-tap event. At startup, the POV display now shows the message "SUPERCON8" as the default message. I find this to be fitting. If the user double-taps the POV SAO board, it switches to a mode that waits for an I2C upload of a new message. Once the new message is uploaded, the display switches back to show the updated message.

    Final State Machine:

    • State 0 – Initialize POV Display
    • State 1 – Display POV Message
    • State 2 – Wait for Message via I2C
    • State 3 – Retrieve Message from I2C

  • PFC232 as an I2C Slave

    Michael Yim10/07/2024 at 22:09 0 comments

    To enable user customization of the POV message, my approach is to allow the user to write the message in ASCII characters and send it to the PFC232 microcontroller via I2C. In this setup, the PFC232 will function as an I2C slave, which is a bit unconventional, as microcontrollers typically act as I2C masters, such as when reading data from the ADXL345 sensor. In my case, the microcontroller must act as BOTH a master (for reading the ADXL345), and also a slave for handling the upload of I2C messages from the user.

    The Padauk FPPA IDE has a very nice tool to generate boilerplate code for I2C slave, which can handle multiple-byte buffer write and reads.

    void    I2C_Slave (void)
        $ I2C_SCL_Slave    In;
        $ I2C_SDA_Slave    In;
        .delay    99;        //    Wait for master ready
        addr$1    =    0;    //    at the sample code, only access one byte of address.
            .wait1    I2C_SCL_Slave
            if (! I2C_SDA_Slave)    goto Stop;
    High:    if (! I2C_SCL_Slave)    goto Stop;
            if (I2C_SDA_Slave)        goto High;
    Start:    if (! I2C_SCL_Slave)    goto Chk_Ax;
            if (! I2C_SDA_Slave)    goto Start;
            goto High;
        BYTE    count    =    DEVICE_LEN;
        A    =    I2C_SLAVE_DEVICE;
            sl    A;
            .wait1    I2C_SCL_Slave
            if (I2C_SDA_Slave)
                if (! CF) goto Stop;
                while (1)
                    if (! I2C_SCL_Slave)    break;
                    if (! I2C_SDA_Slave)    goto Start;
                if (CF) goto Stop;
                while (1)
                    if (! I2C_SCL_Slave)    break;
                    if (I2C_SDA_Slave)        goto Stop;
        } while (--count);
        if (DEVICE_LEN != 7)
            BYTE    hi_adr    =    0;
            A    =    7 - DEVICE_LEN;
                .wait1    I2C_SCL_Slave
                if (I2C_SDA_Slave)
                    CF    =    1;
                    slc    hi_adr;
                    while (1)
                        if (! I2C_SCL_Slave)    break;
                        if (! I2C_SDA_Slave)    goto Start;
                    sl    hi_adr;
                    while (1)
                        if (! I2C_SCL_Slave)    break;
                        if (I2C_SDA_Slave)        goto Stop;
            } while (--A);
        .wait1    I2C_SCL_Slave
        BYTE    data;
        if (I2C_SDA_Slave)
        {    //    Read
            while (1)
                if (! I2C_SCL_Slave)    break;
                if (! I2C_SDA_Slave)    goto Start;
            $ I2C_SDA_Slave        Out, Low;
            .wait1    I2C_SCL_Slave
    Send:    count    =    8;
            data    =    ~ *addr;
                .wait0    I2C_SCL_Slave
                sl        data;
            #if    _SYS(OP:SWAPC IO.N)
                swapc    _PXC(I2C_SDA_Slave);
                if (!CF)    $ I2C_SDA_Slave    In;
                if (CF)        $ I2C_SDA_Slave    Out;
                $ I2C_SDA_Slave    Low;
                .wait1    I2C_SCL_Slave
            } while (--count);
            .wait0    I2C_SCL_Slave
            $ I2C_SDA_Slave        In;
            .wait1    I2C_SCL_Slave
    Watch:    if (I2C_SDA_Slave)    goto Stop;
            if (I2C_SCL_Slave)    goto Watch;
            goto Send;
        //    Write
        while (1)
            if (! I2C_SCL_Slave)    break;
            if (I2C_SDA_Slave)        goto Stop;
        $ I2C_SDA_Slave        Out, Low;
        .wait1    I2C_SCL_Slave
        addr$1.0    =    1;
        while (1)
            .wait0    I2C_SCL_Slave
            $ I2C_SDA_Slave        In;
            count    =    8;
                .wait1    I2C_SCL_Slave
                if (I2C_SDA_Slave)
                    CF    =    1;
                    slc    data;
                    while (1)
                        if (! I2C_SCL_Slave)    break;
                        if (! I2C_SDA_Slave)    goto Start;
                    sl    data;
                    while (1)
                        if (! I2C_SCL_Slave)    break;
                        if (I2C_SDA_Slave)        goto Stop;
            } while (--count);
            $ I2C_SDA_Slave        Out, Low;
            .wait1    I2C_SCL_Slave
            if (addr$1.0)        addr    =    data;
                *addr    =    data;
                //Set Message Transfered Flag
                MsgFlag = 1;

    Initially, I planned to allow users to upload custom messages on the fly, but it turned out to be more challenging than expected with my current hardware setup. The issue arose because both the master and slave I2C devices shared the same SCL and SDA lines, leading to conflicts when they attempted I2C transactions simultaneously. Since the Padauk environment doesn't natively support MUTEX operations, managing these conflicts became difficult.

    To resolve this, I simplified the design. Now, the user can only upload a message at the start of the operation. Once the message is uploaded, the LEDs will blink, and the POV display will show the message. No new messages can be uploaded during operation. The only way to change the message is to restart the POV display and upload a new one. 

    This made the software implementation much easier. I used a simple state machine in which State 0 waits for the user to upload the message (in I2C Slave...

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  • Syncing Hand Movements with LED Blinking

    Michael Yim10/07/2024 at 21:35 0 comments

    The most challenging aspect of this project is processing the accelerometer data to accurately synchronize the scanning of the display’s virtual columns. This ensures that the correct LEDs turn on and off at the precise moments during hand movements. It also makes it even more difficult by using Padauk's Mini-C, which is a stripped down primitive C-like language.

    Since the language lacks support for floating point numbers and signed integers, working with real-world units like meters per second would be quite cumbersome. However, for this project, I believe I can bypass this limitation by using the raw accelerometer values directly. Instead of converting them into precise physical measurements, I’ll simply rely on the raw data to determine the direction of movement and relative magnitude. This should be sufficient for synchronizing the scanning of the display's virtual columns, as the project doesn’t require exact speed values—just enough information to detect motion and adjust the LED timing accordingly.

    For the purposes of this project, I will just be using the x axis of the accelerometer data.

    First, I grabbed the raw data from the accelerometer with the following code:

    //Get x_l
    I2C_Address    =    0x32;
    x_l = A;
    //Get x_h
    I2C_Address    =    0x33;
    x_h = A;
    //Combined x        
    x = x_l | (x_h << 8);   

     This reads the HIGH byte and the LOW byte from the ADXL345, then combines them into a 16-bit WORD.

    Since the data is represented with 2's complement numbers, I extracted the sign and magnitude separately using the following code:

    // Get x_acceleration_sign and apply two's complement if necessary if (x & 0x8000) { // If MSB is 1, it's negative      x = (~x + 1) & 0xFFFF; // Apply two's complement      x_acceleration_sign = 1; // Set sign as negative } else {     x_acceleration_sign = 0; // Set sign as positive }

    In my initial approach, I tried using only the x_sign of the accelerometer data to determine the direction of hand waving. The idea was that a positive x_sign would indicate movement in one direction, while a negative value would signal the opposite. However, this method didn’t work as expected. 

    The issue arose during deceleration—when the user was still waving in the positive direction but began to slow down, the x_sign would flip to negative. This caused the display to misinterpret the motion, as it couldn't distinguish between slowing down and an actual change in direction. As a result, the display would sometimes show inverted characters. It took me some time to realize that deceleration was the problem.

    After lots of trial and error into what works and what doesn't, I ended up with a relatively simple solution. I first check if there is any movement. This is done using the built-in ADXL interrupts. 

     integrating the acceleration number into a velocity, even though my approach isn't very accurate:

    //Get int_source I2C_Address = 0x30; I2C_Read_Byte(); int_source = A;

    //If there is movement if (int_source.4 == 1) {

    // Handle negative acceleration (decrease velocity) if (x_acceleration_sign == 1) {     if (x_velocity >= x) {     x_velocity -= x; // Subtract from velocity     } else {         x_velocity = x - x_velocity; // Handle negative velocity (use two's complement)         x_velocity_sign = 1; // Set sign as negative     } } // Handle positive acceleration (increase velocity) else {     if (x_velocity_sign == 1) { // If the velocity is currently negative         if (x_velocity >= x) {             x_velocity -= x; // Reduce the negative velocity magnitude         }...

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  • Padauk 5S-I-S02B ICE Emulation

    Michael Yim10/05/2024 at 22:44 0 comments

    Unlike the Padauk PMS150C microcontroller, which you can only upload a program once, the PFC232 supports multiple rewrites. However, since my current workflow does not allow me to do onboard programming, it would be a hassle to de-solder the chip to do reprogramming each time I change the code. So I used Padauk's ICE 5S-I-S02B  hardware emulator. It doesn't support my particular PFC232 IC, so instead I emulated it using PMS132B settings. 

    I also made a custom FPC connector board with the same PFC232 footprint that replaces the original IC so I can connect the POV board to the emulator:

    After doing this, I wrote Padauk Mini-C code to test each part of the hardware individually. I was able to verify that each piece of the hardware worked. The LEDs all lighted up and I was able to read from the ADXL345 accelerometer, a very good sign things are going well.

  • Custom PCB Arrived

    Michael Yim10/04/2024 at 23:27 0 comments

    As soon as the custom PCB came back, I immediately noticed that I've made a few small mistakes:

    1. The back silkscreen LED names got messed up
    2. I should have made the SAO pin labeling on the top silkscreen instead of bottom as having it on the bottom would be covered by the header itself.

    Not to worry, these mistakes are only cosmetic and don't mean game-over yet. Hopefully it can still help me see if my concept works or not.

    If I am to mass produce these for the Hackaday Supercon 2024, I still have time for ONE more iteration if I work hard. But that iteration would have to be final final, otherwise I'm not going to make it. 

  • 2nd Prototype - Custom PCB

    Michael Yim10/04/2024 at 23:08 0 comments

    Although my first attempt had its issues, I suspected that the main problem lay with the size of the LEDs. The larger LEDs required the user to wave their hand over a considerable distance just to display a simple message, which made the output less clear and harder to control. This led me to the conclusion that using smaller LEDs could improve the precision of the display.

    Due to time constraints, I just had to run with the idea and try creating a custom PCB with 0603 SMT LEDs, which are significantly smaller. This should allow for more compact and sharper visuals, as well as shorter hand movements to display clear messages.

    In this version, instead of being controlled by an Arduino Pro Micro, I will use a Padauk PFC232 microcontroller. This microcontroller is inexpensive and a cousin to the famous cheap PMS150C. I particularly picked the PFC232 because it has 2 FPPAs (kinda like cores that run in parallel). One FPPA would handle the main logic and be the I2C host and interface with the ADXL345. The other FPPA would be the I2C Slave to handle the user writing a new message to the display.

    I also needed 10 GPIOs to control and front and back LEDs, and another 2 GPIOs to use with I2C. The PFC232 SOP14 version fits my needs perfectly.

View all 11 project logs

  • 1
    Connect POV Display to Badge

    Connect the SAO connector to the badge, taking into account the pin orientation. Once securely plugged in, power on the badge. The POV display should activate immediately, indicated by blinking LEDs. If the LEDs do not blink, double-check the connection and make sure the badge is correctly powered.

  • 2
    Test POV Display for "SUPERCON8" Message

    Move the POV display smoothly from left to right and back again to reveal the hidden message. As you wave it, look closely to see if the message "SUPERCON8" appears in the air.

  • 3
    Switch POV Display to "Message Uploading Mode"

    Firmly double-tap the POV display board to switch it to message uploading mode. If successful, the LEDs will turn solid white instead of blinking. It may take a few tries, and tapping it against a hard surface like a table can help.

View all 4 instructions

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davedarko wrote 10/05/2024 at 11:54 point

would be funny if it detects the badge falling and yelling "ahhhhhhhh" on the way down or something :D Cool project :)

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Michael Yim wrote 10/05/2024 at 17:54 point

LOL that would be funny

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