
Final Product

A project log for Persistence of Vision POV Display SAO

Accelerometer-based Hand-waved POV display with front and back LEDs, creating a 5 pixel x 12 char display. Message customizable via I2C.

michael-yimMichael Yim 10/22/2024 at 07:150 Comments

I'm pleased to share that the production run was a resounding success! Out of the entire batch, I now have 128 fully functional units, with only three ending up non-functional—an impressive outcome. The yield exceeded my initial expectations, likely thanks to the straightforward design and the precision setup of the LumenPnP pick-and-place machine.

Here are some pictures of the final product:

For those of you going to Supercon 2024, I'll be giving all these out for free! Hope to meet you there!
