Using discrete transistors, we aim to enable I2C communication through an SAO port adapter board. This is a pass-through adapter - it does not have it's own I2C address. It only provides the I2C electronic protocol signals, with correctly driven I/O lines on the Voja4.
Reaching even further, we should be able to offer SPI communication, eventually, as well.
Several solder jumpers are built-in to keep thing flexible for the prototype.
Review the schematic to get more familiar with the features. There is also the relevent section of the badge I/O schematic embedded in the adapter schematic.
The general idea is that if you want to use SPI stuff, you have to close the jumpers in the SPI ZONE. And if you want to use I2C, close the ones in the I2C ZONE. Choose one or the other. Both modes are not available at the same time.
If you want alternate power input to the badge and SAO with the 3V3 regulator, connect the battery and close the jumper in that zone. And remove the batteries from the badge!
Finally, if you want to use the GPIO1&2 of the SAO port, close the associated pads at the top, selecting either input or output modes.
Example code will be added in the project page at Github as it becomes available.