Start with a fresh installation of raspbian OS, with internet access (either via ethernet or setup the wifi connection when you flash the SD card).
During the installation, create a sudo user called clockPi'.
Make sure that you run
sudo raspi-config
and select the appropriate time zone !
Keep the time synchronised:
Install the NTP service to keep the time synchronized via web. In this implementation there is no NTC module, so we will have to rely on the web for that. Run in a terminal
This is basically a LED matrix, with a cardboard mask in front. I decided to go for a 12x12 LEDs, one every 2 cm, so in total 24x24 cm. - Draw a 12x12 grid in the center of the base board - Attach the LEDs at the midpoints in the grid, wire it up following the exposed pads in the LED strip - Insert the Raspberry pi and wire it up too - Add a power connector on the back, and wire the +5V to the raspberry pi and the LEDs - Build the plastic/foam separator to isolate each LED from the base to the front - Carve the cardboard in front with the letters
Follow the Software instructions post with the steps