

A project log for The GAT Stand - Badge Addon Holder

An actively powered, daisy-chainable desk display for badge addons.

truetrue 10/23/2024 at 03:210 Comments

Having some issues with the first boards.

The output control IC lists in the datasheet that a large value capacitor is highly recommended, but it is causing brownouts on the badge. This could have been mitigated with a small change in design (specifically, moving the fuse after the 3V3 vreg but before the output switch as there's nothing else on the 3V3 that is likely to cause a fault / need protected) but it's too late for that now. I tested a few different configurations:

For these to work at Supercon, I'm going to need to hotplate and remove every bulk output cap and solder in a 10uF input 0603 cap. Very time consuming.
