
TEST-O the Test Robot Addon

Robot buddy addon that can test diodes and continuity.

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This is TEST-O: the Test Robot.

TEST-O is a badge addon that can be used to test diodes, LEDs, and continuity. TEST-O can also display LED lightshows which are configured by the front knobs. If there is no badge handy to host TEST-O, use the built-in CR2032 battery.

Originally released at Hackaday Supercon 7.

TEST-O is safe to use on low voltage (1.2V or higher) circuits in continuity test mode. In diode test mode, current is limited to about 2mA.

Manual, schematic, code can be found at - click on TEST-O

A simple robot buddy badge addon that enables wearers to test continuity, dioes and LEDs. When not testing, the robot buddy can display dynamic LED programs on its RGBLED eyes.

Built-in diode test is accomplished with the top LED. Continuity testing is done with the cheeks. There is an optional buzzer and configurable sensitivity in continuity test mode.

Power consumption is very low - less than 2mA in light show mode, and less than 1mA in testing modes. This addon will not be a big contributor to power drain of host badges.


Adobe Portable Document Format - 181.17 kB - 10/22/2024 at 13:36


  • supercon 8 is over

    true11/06/2024 at 21:43 0 comments

    TEST-O was at supercon 8. a few people liked him and went home with a copy.

    a few built robots remain in stock. if you want a TEST-O, they're sold at the webshop at

    code and schematics are available if you want to play around. if you want to build your own instead of buying one, I'll be releasing board files soon. you can also contact me and if you're in the states, I can mail you a blank board and BoM if you want to build it yourself.

    I didn't have time to implement i2c slave on any of my badges during supercon 8 - most of which because they needed soft i2c. TEST-O has hard i2c connected and just needs code written. if there's a desire for this - perhaps to change RGB light shows, or to programatically change the modes becuase they are soft selectable - then I can implement it. let me know if this is something you would use.

  • is broken

    true10/21/2024 at 01:26 1 comment

    Yesterday I finished assembling and testing a bunch of robot buddies that've been on my desk. Over a dozen are ready to be a badge buddy at Supercon 8.

    Would have posted yesterday but was broken. In fact it's still broken so I can't post the photo.

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