Component tester is an essential tool for electronics component value measurement. Here we have one DIY version using Arduino’s chip made by many other hobbyists in the past. Today we will build one version with a better PCB design keeping a minimal version in mind with a combination of SMT and TH components. The code is open source and can be found on the web, some modifications are made to make it work with a 16x2 LCD panel. Moreover the input output pinout has an external PCB resistor divider which is used to interpret the values by ADC by enabling its automatic component detection. Using a suitable resistor divider network ensures accurate value of most of the components.
The function for different component measurement and detection is given in the code section; separate header files can be seen in the Arduino code library for each component in order to calibrate it properly according to your own circuit. Here I made a PCB using the below given circuit and the code works well for it. Code for this project can be downloaded from here. If you want to know more about the tester working and principle then refer to its 100-page manual. Which has all info about modes, screen types, microcontrollers and software.
Why to go with the Minimal Version:
First, to reduce the overall cost of the system. Second, many of the open source Ardu-tester Arduino codes available on the web give errors. But through this minimal system you can test different codes and then implement one in your next project.
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Components required:
- Arduino Nano Chip (ATMEGA328P)
- 16x2 LCD
- 100nf Capacitors
- 10uf Capacitors
- 150pf Capacitor
- 1k Resistors
- 5.1K Resistor
- 0603 Led
- 5K potentiometer
- 16Mhz Ceramic Resonator
- Type C Port (Power only)
- 9V battery
- AMS1117 5V Regulator
- M7 Diode
- Tactile switch
- PCB from Seeed Fusion
Circuit Diagram:
The schematics is separated into 5 sections. The first section contains the power input port and filter. Different value capacitors at the input of the voltage regulator are used to minimize supply noise. Second section contains a microcontroller and reset tactile switch. Third section is reserved for LCD. We are not using any separate controller for LCD, hence it can be directly mounted.
4th section contains control of brightness through a 5k pot, main resistor divider network of ADC and some filters. 470K and 680 Ohms resistor divider network is given to the ADC of Arduino. These values can be calibrated inside the code also. The 5th section has programming pins and main output headers. I always prefer to get a microcontroller chip directly from the top of the Arduino Nano after burning the sketch into it.
PCB designs:
I made this minimal design using the above given modified schematics. You can download all the files and code from here. Programming headers are added on the back layer to change/ update the firmware.
I am using FR4 material, HASL finish, Green solder mask and 1.6mm thickness. A very thanks to Seeed Fusion for sponsoring this project. Seeed fusion is one of the leading PCB manufacturing companies in China. Deals in PCB manufacturing, SMT assembly, PCBA, stencil, 3D- printing and CNC. Try out the more services from here now, and get free PCB coupons on first Sign-up using the link above.
Uploading the Code:
Full code can be downloaded from here, try to install the latest libraries for the LCD. You can comment here, if you find any problem in uploading the code. The code has more than 10 header files,...
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