
Blinkenwall v2

Bringing the Blinken to the wall, now with more Blinken!

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Blinkenwall v2 is our current project for replacing our old Blinkenwall out of glass bricks of our local Viennese Hackspace Metalab .

Shoutout and thanks to all this awesome people, all of whom helped out to make this project reality.

Special thanks goes to our member ripper, who invested a lot of his personal time for this project

More information at

Already done:

  • Ordered & received panels.
  • Created an aluminium frame for mounting the panels, the power supply and the receiver card.
  • Mounted everything onto the frame.
  • Mounted it into the wall.
  • installed an Intel Atom-based board running our software.


  • Install a relay into the wall to turn off the power supplies when they're not needed to avoid wasting too much power.

  • 4294967295 × Love and Help
  • 54 × RGB SMD P10 LED Panels LEDs and Accessories / Light Emitting Diodes (LEDs)
  • 6 × Meanwell LRS-200-5 5V/200W Power Supply
  • 1 × Linsn RV908 Receiver Board
  • 1 × Linsn TS802D DVI sender board

View all 7 components

  • Still Going Strong

    anlumo04/20/2017 at 04:40 0 comments

    The up-board proved to be capable enough to power my plans.

    The source code for the controller software is growing. It's available at my Github account. I think I can implement the whole server in Rust, which is both educational and a pretty good choice from a security point of view.

  • The Good News and the Bad News

    anlumo03/26/2017 at 04:00 0 comments

    First time testing the Blinkenwall with the full setup (Blinkenwall + proper network cable + ODROID C1)!

    The good news is, it works! After a few hours of fiddling, the ODROID C1 talked to the virtual 640x480 display and could show a small 192x144 window in it running OpenGL ES 2.0 (with the program I wrote in Rust), which was displayed properly on the Blinkenwall.

    The bad news is, the performance of the ODROID C1 is abysmal. Where my notebook could render 60fps without breaking a sweat, I get maybe 0.5fps on the device. This means that my plan for the software implementation simply does not work that way.

    Since I'm not willing to go back on that software idea, I'll probably move to another, more powerful SBC. Luckily, since we chose the Raspberry Pi form factor, there are some to choose from.

    Next I'll try the up-board. It is the most powerful SBC in Raspberry Pi form factor that I know of and that I own. It's probably dwarfed by the Jetson TX1 in graphics performance, whose official carrier board also features the same 40pin-connector, but that one is far too expensive for this application and would also introduce some space issues in the server case.

View all 2 project logs

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