
Peppercon 9 Addon

Celebrating the 9th year of Peppercon with a blingy pepper.

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Peppercon 9 is a badge addon in the shape of a pepper. Blinged out with 71 LEDs, it shows the pepper way brightly while doing so power efficiently.

What is Peppercon?

Peppercon is not a con, but is a group of people who have come together under the banner of the pepper. We enjoy and bring the heat and would love to share the spice with you.

A pepper celebrating 9 years of Peppercon.


  • 64 pepper LEDs, 2x rear RGBLED for lightshows
  • Accelerometer which can be used by programs
  • Touching the top of the pepper changes LED programs
  • Ambient light detection to automatically set LED brightness
  • Not a huge power drain on the host badge
  • micro USB port for powering the pepper off-badge, or updating firmware

  • 1 × WCH CH32V203G6U6 Microcontroller, 32K flash, 10K SRAM
  • 1 × ISSI IS31FL3729 RGBLED Controller

  • Finished more for Supercon 8

    true10/19/2024 at 00:45 0 comments

    At DC32, pepper people finished the main hardware assembly of the peppers. A small amount of work remained for final distribution. I am happy to say I’ll be bringing over 40 complete pepper addons to Supercon.

    Unofficial pepper challenge maybe?

    Will be looking to trade and sell them no matter if you do or don’t want a tingly tongue.

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