99.99999% Complete
03/05/2017 at 21:29 • 0 commentsFinished up making the nose cone this AM as well as a small button extender in the top to turn off the "OVO" glow.
90% complete, just need a nose cone
02/21/2017 at 01:48 • 0 commentsThe new EL driver arrived today as well as the addition of the fins and some paint. I ended up making a snap part for the LiPo to sit in out of some Nylon I had sitting around for a few years. I will get that part diagramed up since I did put I on the lathe and mill to shape. Here are a few action shots and a close to final product. Once the nose cone is complete I will diagram the body in Fusion 360 and have a real Aluminum part CNC'd however I needed to make a prototype to find the kinks.
The good and bad...
02/18/2017 at 21:26 • 0 commentsGood news, slots are finished, filed, sanded and ready for the fins to be added followed by some paint. I made a short video with out the plexi just to see how it would kind of look when complete. The bad news... Plexi heating sucked! Looked like a dashboard from an old car that sat in the sun so I moved over to paper. Tried printer paper however that is too thick so I got some Velum paper and that did the trick. Unfortuantly I did not get a picture of it as the cheesy EL battery pack had 2 wires touch (on output) and made magic smoke appear. Enjoy the video while I get a new EL circuit.
Slits are milled
02/18/2017 at 21:15 • 0 commentsSprayed some glue on the paper and wrapped around the PVC pipe. Worked like a charm and made the eyeball alignment on the mill a snap. I ended up using a 7/16" 4 flute to cut the 8 segments.
We have power!
02/18/2017 at 19:42 • 0 commentsOpened up the IQ battery and EL battery pack and fused the two together. Had to drill some small holes to get the wire out and then removed the batter terminals. Note:. Do not pry the top off it has the glue tape so heat works
Template wrapper complete
02/17/2017 at 03:15 • 0 commentsSo it has been decided that the green light to support area will be 1:1 instead of 1:2 ratio. This led to some math to figure out how wide the light sources will be.
Each Width1:1 = (PI(R)^2) / 16
Having a chunk of 2" sch40 PVC pipe leads to 7.5/16 or 15/32" of an inch per piece. Saving some time it was easier to draw this on paper so that this weekend I can head over to the mill and cut the slots.
On another note the parts arrived I ended up stuffing the EL wire in the tube tonight and I must say it looks damn close to the same color, very cool!
Core is cut and parts ordered
02/15/2017 at 15:04 • 0 commentsore piece has been cut and is ready for coring and cutting in the details. I didn't want to screw up a chunk of metal so I used a scrap 4x4 and turned to length. Also ordered the EL Wire, battery and will run to the hardware store to get some thin plexi or lexan for the inside.