
v0 Prototype on Breadboard

A project log for Skull of Fate SAO

The Skull of Fate SAO is an interactive tarot RFID card featuring i2c host and i2c client capabilities and GPIO interface with the badge.

makeithackinMakeItHackin 10/22/2024 at 16:270 Comments

v0 Prototype on Breadboard

We decided to build our SAO based on several boards from Adafruit including the Feather M0 Express (as our microcontroller circuit), the LIS3DH accelerometer, and ST25DV breakout board for the RFID.  We used Lixie Labs LEDs for prototyping the eyes.  There were a bunch of wires all over the place, but we learned a lot!  It was our first time using SWD programming, so although it was a little challenging at first, it was pretty easy to flash the microcontroller with Adafruit's Feather firmware.
