
I'm still here...

A project log for µLind (micro-lind)

- a 6x09 based retro computer

eric-lindEric Lind 03/04/2025 at 07:210 Comments

I haven't dropped the project, I've just been struggling with both GAL- problems and real life time issues. But my son has started to design and develop BIOS routines for the new stage 2 board. 

The issues with the GAL is either depending on my lack of programming knowledge regarding Goals or as I thought about this morning, a dodgy chip. Need to get a new one and try that. I have started building a test bench for Goals using an Arduino Mega, to be able to automate the testing of the address and logic GALs. 

I hope I can solve this soon, both me and my son are anxious to start SW development on the stage 2 board. 
