
Design of an Echosounder system

Development of an Echosounder System.

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This article introduces the design of a high-precision echosounder system that includes the design of a 3D-printed transducer, the design of the controller, as well as the software needed to visualize the data


An ultrasonic echosounder is a device capable of detecting objects based on echoes produced by an ultrasonic pressure wave generator.

There are many commercial echosounders available on the market, used for applications like analyzing the ocean floor, fishfinders, and localization systems for ROVs. Here, we present a first version of an echosounder system as a proof of concept, which can serve as a foundation for developing a specific product in the future.

The system consists of the following parts:

  1. The piezoelectric transducer, which is the component that converts an electrical signal into a pressure wave and vice versa.
  2. The ultrasonic signal generator, which produces the signal needed by the transducer to generate the appropriate pressure waves.
  3. The signal receiver, which detects signals produced by the echoes.
  4. Interpretation software, which allows us to interpret the received signals


Design of the Piezoelectric Transducer for the Sonar.

The transducer is the main component of the echosounder system. In our case, a piezoelectric crystal is used, which both generates ultrasonic pressure waves and converts the echoes into an electrical signal.

The transducer being designed consists of a 3D-printed housing made of PETG filament, coated with epoxy resin. Inside are the elements that make up the transducer:

  1. The Piezoelectric Crystal: In this design, the material chosen is PZT5, in a disc format with a thickness of 4mm and a diameter of 20mm.
  2. The Matching Layer: This is the layer between the piezoelectric crystal and the water. It must have an acoustic impedance that is intermediate between the material of the piezoelectric crystal and the water; PETG has this characteristic. The thickness of this layer has been defined as 1/4 of the pressure wavelength.
  3. The Backing Layer: This layer surrounds the crystal and must have a high degree of acoustic wave absorption to prevent ringing. In our case, cork has been selected.

The low-cost piezoelectric disc chosen has a thickness of 4mm, which gives it a resonance frequency in axial mode of 500 kHz. The specific disc used is as follows:


The design was created using FreeCAD, and in this first version, it was chosen to make it detachable with a threaded connection that allows the two parts to be separated for internal analysis. An O-ring seal was used to ensure watertightness. The design is as follows:


To improve watertightness and strength of the element, it has been post-processed by coating it with epoxy resin. The final result is as follows:


In the final design, the interior will be completely encapsulated with epoxy resin to ensure complete watertightness.

Controller Design.

The designed controller has the following block diagram:


The controller is based on a “black pill” board with the STM32F401 microcontroller and consists of three parts:

  1. The Ultrasonic Generator: It uses the microcontroller’s PWM module to generate pulses of 500 kHz. This signal, through power MOSFETs and a transformer to boost the signal, is injected into the piezoelectric transducer to generate the pressure wave. To achieve maximum precision, a 5-pulse train at a frequency of 500 kHz has been implemented as the generating signal.
  2. The Ultrasonic Power Meter: A peak detector and an amplifier based on OPAMPS are used to transfer the signal received by the transducer to the microcontroller’s ADC.
  3. The Communication Interface: The commercial HC-06 module is used to send the information received via Bluetooth, allowing it to be transmitted to a computer or a smartphone.

A PCB has been designed with KICAD, and the final result looks as follows:


The firmware has been developed using the Arduino framework but utilizing the HAL libraries from ST-Microelectronics to leverage DMA and advanced timer functions for PWM and ADC.

For the initial tests, the transducer was used in a closed container, maintaining a distance of 10 cm from the bottom in order to...

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  • Frequency response measurement of a piezoelectric transducer

    Luicer's Lab02/25/2025 at 21:30 0 comments



    Once several ultrasonic transducers have been built, it becomes necessary to analyse their behaviour to ensure that the piezoelectric crystals meet the declared specifications.

    A first feasible analysis is to measure their frequency response. To achieve this, the sensor must be excited at different frequencies while measuring its equivalent impedance. This will allow us to determine the most suitable frequencies for the transducer’s operation and the power it can transmit to water.

    In this post, two transducers will be analysed: one built using a 4 mm thick piezoelectric crystal with a theoretical resonance frequency of 500 kHz and another using a 10 mm thick piezoelectric crystal with a theoretical resonance frequency of 325 kHz.

    Transducer with a 20 mm diameter and 4 mm thick crystal:


    Transducer with a 50 mm diameter and 10 mm thick crystal:


    Diagram and Operation.

    The diagram of the system used to obtain the frequency response of sonar transducers is as follows:


    The custom sonar controller is used as a signal generator to excite the transducer. Then, a commercial oscilloscope is used to measure the voltage applied to the transducer. The transducer’s current is measured with the oscilloscope by reading the voltage across a serial resistor.

    Both the sonar controller and the oscilloscope are connected to a computer to generate the frequency sweep and calculate the impedance.

    Set up.

    The set up for taking the measurements is as follows:


    A graphical interface has been programmed in Python using the KIVY framework to automate the process. This software communicates via Bluetooth with the sonar controller board to generate the frequency sweep and through VISA with the oscilloscope to obtain the RMS values of voltage and current.

    The measurements are taken with the transducer submerged in a container of water.


    The results of the measurements are as follows:

    Transducer with a 20 mm diameter:

    Figure 4_20mm

    Transducer with a 50 mm diameter.

    Figure 5_50mm

    In both cases, two main peaks are observed: one at the thickness resonance frequency and another at the radial resonance frequency.

    • In the case of the first transducer, the thickness resonance frequency is 510 kHz, and the radial resonance frequency is 100 kHz.
    • In the case of the second transducer, the thickness resonance frequency is 325 kHz, and the radial resonance frequency is 40 kHz.

    These values match the manufacturer’s specifications and the theoretical calculations. Additionally, other resonance frequencies can be observed, depending on the construction of the piezoelectric crystal.

    An important result from the measurement is the resonance impedance of the transducers, which represents the radiation resistance of the transducer in water. From this value, the power transmitted by the transducer to the water can be calculated. The resonance impedance is the impedance at the resonance frequency, which can be approximated to the local minimum in the graph. For example:

    • In the case of exciting the 20 mm sensor with a 150 Vrms signal at 510 kHz, the transmitted power would be V 2 /Zres=150 2 /200 =112,5 Watts
    • In the case of exciting the 50 mm sensor with a 150 Vrms signal at 325 kHz, the transmitted power would be V 2 /Zres=150 2 /50 =450 Watts.

    The impedance resistance of the 50 mm transducer is higher than that of the 20 mm transducer, thus demonstrating that the larger sensor is capable of transmitting more ultrasonic power and, therefore, will have a greater range.

    Conclusions and Future Work.

    A system has been developed to obtain the frequency response of the sonar transducers. Based on these data, a model of the transducer can be created in the future, and the parameters of an equivalent circuit can be calculated.

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