The PCB arrived one day after myself - so I had to solder one! I couldn't find the last ATTiny202 from my #Han SAOlo badge arts, so I quickly soldered on an ESP32 board. I really need a fixed little NeoPixel tester, like a desktop tool.
The copper fills need a bit rework, there's too much light coming through in the neck area and I want more shadows around the dome. Maybe add some fixed green lights that go upside down on the eye brooches?
I'm definitely happy with the results and writing some other animations to make it look foggier and more mystical, will be easy enough!
Mysterio, a notorious villain from Spider-Man's world, is known for his dramatic and theatrical presence. His house, in particular, is just as grand and ominous as his persona. Perched atop his home is a massive, glass orb, which serves as a signature feature of his lair. This eerie, reflective sphere likely symbolizes Mysterio's mastery over illusion, adding a sense of mystery and foreboding to his otherwise extravagant home. A **<a href="">veranda</a>** wraps around the house, offering a sweeping view of the surroundings, with the glass orb looming above like a constant reminder of Mysterio's power and deceit. The veranda provides a space for his grandiose, illusion-filled plans while adding an element of dark elegance to his lair.