Step 1
// Temperature Controler for window fan
// Written by mike, public domain
#include "DHT.h"
#include <LiquidCrystal.h> // include LCD library
// Pins in use
#define DHTPIN 2 // D2 is for DHT22
#define OUTPUTPIN 3 // Relay pin
#define BUTTON_ADC_PIN A0 // A0 is the button ADC input
// ADC readings expected for the 5 buttons on the ADC input
#define RIGHT_10BIT_ADC 0 // right
#define UP_10BIT_ADC 131 // up
#define DOWN_10BIT_ADC 305 // down
#define LEFT_10BIT_ADC 476 // left
#define SELECT_10BIT_ADC 718 // select
#define BUTTONHYSTERESIS 20 // hysteresis for valid button sensing window
//return values for ReadButtons()
#define BUTTON_NONE 0 //
#define BUTTON_RIGHT 1 //
#define BUTTON_UP 2 //
#define BUTTON_DOWN 3 //
#define BUTTON_LEFT 4 //
#define BUTTON_SELECT 5 //
#define DHTTYPE DHT22 // DHT 22 (AM2302)
// Define our states
#define STATE_TITLE 00 // A title screen
#define STATE_MODE 05 // Waiting for mode selection
#define STATE_HEATING 10 // Heating Mode
#define STATE_COOLING 20 // Cooling Mode
LiquidCrystal lcd( 8, 9, 4, 5, 6, 7 ); //Pins for the freetronics 16x2 LCD shield. LCD: ( RS, E, LCD-D4, LCD-D5, LCD-D6, LCD-D7 )
float hi = 0;
float h = 0;
float t = 0;
float f = 0;
byte buttonJustPressed = false; //this will be true after a ReadButtons() call if triggered
byte buttonJustReleased = false; //this will be true after a ReadButtons() call if triggered
byte buttonWas = BUTTON_NONE; //used by ReadButtons() for detection of button events
byte button = BUTTON_NONE; // return no button pressed if the below checks don't write to btn
byte state, nextstate;
int Temperature_Set_Point = 71;
unsigned int buttonVoltage;
int relayState = LOW;
int fanState = HIGH;
void setup() {
Serial.println("DHTxx test!");
pinMode(BUTTON_ADC_PIN, INPUT ); // Analogue input for the LCD's buttons
digitalWrite(OUTPUTPIN, relayState );
lcd.begin( 16, 2 ); // Tell LCD library this is 16x2 display
// 1234567890123456
lcd.print( "THERMOSTAT" );
lcd.setCursor( 0, 1 );
// 1234567890123456
lcd.print( "Version .3" );
delay (2000);
void loop() {
h = dht.readHumidity();
f = dht.readTemperature(true);
hi = dht.computeHeatIndex(f, h);
if (fanState && !relayState && Temperature_Set_Point < f - 1) {
relayState = HIGH;
digitalWrite(OUTPUTPIN, relayState);
if ((!fanState) || (relayState && Temperature_Set_Point >= f)) {
relayState = LOW;
digitalWrite(OUTPUTPIN, relayState);
lcd.setCursor( 0, 0 );
lcd.print("F");lcd.setCursor( 10, 0 );
lcd.setCursor( 0, 1 );
lcd.setCursor( 3, 1 );
lcd.setCursor( 10, 1 );
delay(500); // Delay to stop buttons "jittering" false presses
button = ReadButtons();
while (button == BUTTON_UP) {
Temperature_Set_Point = Temperature_Set_Point + 1;
lcd.setCursor( 0, 0 );
delay(500); // Delay to stop buttons "jittering" false presses
button = ReadButtons();
while (button == BUTTON_DOWN) {
Temperature_Set_Point = Temperature_Set_Point - 1;
lcd.setCursor( 0, 0 );
delay(500); // Delay to stop buttons "jittering" false presses
button = ReadButtons();
while (fanState && button == BUTTON_SELECT) {
fanState = LOW;
delay(500); // Delay to stop buttons "jittering" false presses
button = ReadButtons();
while (!fanState && button == BUTTON_SELECT) {
fanState = HIGH;
delay(500); // Delay to stop buttons "jittering" false presses
button = ReadButtons();
//clear the buttonJustPressed & buttonJustReleased flags; they've already done their job
if(buttonJustPressed) buttonJustPressed = false;
if(buttonJustReleased) buttonJustReleased = false;
Serial.print("Humidity: ");
Serial.print(" %\t");
Serial.print("Temperature: ");
Serial.print(" *F\t");
Serial.print("Heat index: ");
Serial.println(" *F");
Detect the button pressed and return the value
Uses global values buttonWas, buttonJustPressed, buttonJustReleased.
byte ReadButtons() {
unsigned int buttonVoltage;
byte button = BUTTON_NONE; // return no button pressed if the below checks don't write to btn
//read the button ADC pin voltage
buttonVoltage = analogRead( BUTTON_ADC_PIN );
//sense if the voltage falls within valid voltage windows
if( buttonVoltage < ( RIGHT_10BIT_ADC + BUTTONHYSTERESIS ) )
button = BUTTON_RIGHT;
else if( buttonVoltage >= ( UP_10BIT_ADC - BUTTONHYSTERESIS )
&& buttonVoltage <= ( UP_10BIT_ADC + BUTTONHYSTERESIS ) )
button = BUTTON_UP;
else if( buttonVoltage >= ( DOWN_10BIT_ADC - BUTTONHYSTERESIS )
&& buttonVoltage <= ( DOWN_10BIT_ADC + BUTTONHYSTERESIS ) )
button = BUTTON_DOWN;
else if( buttonVoltage >= ( LEFT_10BIT_ADC - BUTTONHYSTERESIS )
&& buttonVoltage <= ( LEFT_10BIT_ADC + BUTTONHYSTERESIS ) )
button = BUTTON_LEFT;
else if( buttonVoltage >= ( SELECT_10BIT_ADC - BUTTONHYSTERESIS )
&& buttonVoltage <= ( SELECT_10BIT_ADC + BUTTONHYSTERESIS ) )
//handle button flags for just pressed and just released events
if( ( buttonWas == BUTTON_NONE ) && ( button != BUTTON_NONE ) )
//the button was just pressed, set buttonJustPressed, this can optionally be used to trigger a once-off action for a button press event
//it's the duty of the receiver to clear these flags if it wants to detect a new button change event
buttonJustPressed = true;
buttonJustReleased = false;
if( ( buttonWas != BUTTON_NONE ) && ( button == BUTTON_NONE ) )
buttonJustPressed = false;
buttonJustReleased = true;
//save the latest button value, for change event detection next time round
buttonWas = button;
return( button );
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thank your for your feedback
i`m still wating to the sensors.....
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Start your project and let me know what it is called so I can comment more in detail.
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Just a suggestion - you might want to add some checks to make sure the fan is not on while the humidifier is on.
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I have found at hackaday, your great code.
I would use it for my “greenhouse” project, but I am a beginner to program the Arduino…..
I would like to implement additional features
1 if the temp are higher -relays 1 are aktiv ( Fan) (32 °C)
2 if the temp are lower -relays 2 are aktiv (heating) (20 °C)
3 if the humidity are higher -relays 1 are aktiv (Fan) (90%)
4 if the humidity are lower -relays 3 are aktiv (humidifier) (65%)
hysterese temp 4°C `
hysterese humidity 15%
set points should be adjustable via keypad
I would be pleased if you would support me a bit
The next steps could be…….:
-light controll (Timer) relays 4
-soil moisture relay 5 (Waterpump)
Best Regards
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