
Kuman Wi-Fi Robot with Camera and Manipulator

Assemble and Program Kuman Wi-Fi Robot with Camera and Manipulator

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Recently I received this cool robot from Kuman donated for the Visuino development :-).
It has Remote WiFi control module, Camera, and 4 servos Manipulator.

I have already assembled the robot, have started programming it with Visuino. Here I will keep posting the progress.

Recently I received this cool robot from Kuman donated for the Visuino development :-).

It has Remote WiFi control module, Camera, and 4 servos Manipulator.

The robot has 4 main parts that need to come together:

  1. The Chassis
  2. The Control and Wi-Fi boards
  3. The Camera with its Pan and Tilt mount
  4. The Manipulator

  • Arduino Robot control pinmap

    Boian Mitov07/24/2017 at 03:23 0 comments

    While studying the Arduino pins controlling the servos, I received this useful pinmap from another Kuman Robot user, and I am posting it here, as it is quite helpful:

    The Infrared pins are added by that user, and are not part of the original robot pin map, but the rest is matching.

  • Added Visuino Shield Support

    Boian Mitov07/24/2017 at 03:02 0 comments

    I have already mapped the Robot's shield in Visuino:

    Now experimenting with the robot, and working on tutorials.

View all 2 project logs

  • 1
    Step 1

    Unboxing the robot

  • 2
    Step 2

    Assemble the camera mount

    1. Take the Cross shaped Seat and place it on the Plastic Base
    2. Use 4 small screws to secure the seat to the Plastic Base
    3. Insert the servo into one side of the Pan Bracket
    4. Make sure that the servo shaft is at the opposite side from the pivot point for the tilt bracket
    5. Place the second pan bracket over the servo until it reaches the first bracket, and the 2 completely wrap the servo
    6. Tighten the 2 brackets together with screws
    7. Take the short single sided seat and place it in the bracket that has fitting for it with the connection for the servo pointing inwards
    8. Tighten the bracket with 2 screws
    9. Insert the shaft of the second servo into the main hole of the seat attached to the Pan Bracket
    10. Place the tilt bracket on top of the second servo so that the shaft aligns with the pivot hole
    11. Tighten the servo with 2 screws
    12. Attach the Seat to the Servo with small screw
    13. Insert the shaft of the servo of the Pan Bracket to the main hole of the Seat on the Base
    14. Attach the Seat to the Servo with small screw
    15. Take the camera base, and snap it to the Tilt Bracket
    16. Take the camera, and snap it to the Camera Base
  • 3
    Step 3

    Installing the Arduino, Motor control, Servo control, and Wi-Fi Boards

    1. Take the WiFi board, and place it on top of the big flat area in the back of the chassis
    2. Move the board around until you find a good set of holes where you can use bolts to mount the board to the chassis
    3. Take the Arduino board, and place it on top of the big flat area in the back of the chassis
    4. Move the board around until you find a good set of holes where you can use bolts to mount the board to the chassis
    5. Attach 3 standoffs with bolts to the chassis at the holes selected for the Arduino board
    6. Mount 4 standoffs with bolts to the Wi-Fi Board
    7. Place the Wi-Fi board underneath the chassis and attach the standoffs to the chassis with bolts at the selected hole locations
    8. Mount the Arduino board on top of the 3 standoffs that were prepared for it with bolts
    9. Plug the Motor Driver Shield on top of the Arduino Uno
    10. Plug the Servo Control Board on top of the Motor Driver Shield

View all 10 instructions

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