
ESP8266 Pogo Jig Programming Board

Upcycles D1 Mini Wemos board to create a USB connected ESP8266 Pogo pin jig.

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Custom board that re-uses a D1 Mini's carrier board to serve as a USB->Serial->ESP programming jig.

Designed the PCB in Eagle CAD, produced at OshPark.

1) Desolder the ESP module off of the D1 Mini board(using hot air).
2) Solder Pogo pins to board.
3) Add solder to the pads on the adapter PCB.
4) Place D1 Mini board on the pads and heat from below with hot air.
5) Once it settles from the solder melting, it's good to go.

Allows bare ESP module to be programmed from Arduino IDE or using ESP-tool. Woot!
  • 1 × Wemos D1 Mini (or clone)
  • 16 × Pogo Pins
  • 1 × Custom Pogo Pin Jig PCB
  • 1 × USB Cable Electronic Components / Misc. Electronic Components

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jaime wrote 04/06/2017 at 06:08 point

Great idea!!!

Would be cool to still install the headers on the main board to test the flashed chip when it's done.

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Wing Tang Wong wrote 04/06/2017 at 06:16 point

Hmm... adding headers is definitely a good idea. My original thought was just to make efficient use of the some parts I had. :) But adding a header, even one that matches the original packages isn't a problem. Maybe for a next revision.

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jaime wrote 04/06/2017 at 20:56 point

Might make lining it up easier too.  :)   Definitely going to put one of these together.  Thanks!

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deʃhipu wrote 02/26/2017 at 23:00 point

It's a bit of an overkill (you really only need 4 pogo pins and an usb2ttl), but I like the idea.

Nice idea with putting the pogo pins horizontally, I might steal that.

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davedarko wrote 02/27/2017 at 07:19 point

But you need 4 (?) Resistors to pull stuff up and down on pins, too. So if you want to burn modules and send them away, it might make sense to have all of them.

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deʃhipu wrote 02/27/2017 at 08:29 point

Good point.

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