Quantity | Component name | |
1 | × | Raspberry Pi Central station main board |
2 | × | ATmega328P-PU Central station / Wireless node micro-controller |
3 | × | ATtiny84A-PU Wireless nodes micro-controller |
1 | × | ATmega8-16-PU Wireless node micro-controller |
6 | × | RFM12B RF433MHz transponder. Present in cetral station and in the nodes |
1 | × | 433 MHz OOK tranceiver 433MHz tranceiver to talk with low-cost remote outlets |
1 | × | DS-1307 Central station Real Time Clock module |
1 | × | 20*4 LCD I2C display Central station display |
1 | × | DHT-11 Node sensor |
1 | × | DS18B20 Node sensor |
1 | × | BMP-085 Node sensor |
1 | × | RFID RF522 Node sensor |
2 | × | Network cameras |