
Incredible star alignment

A project log for OMNI 4 - a Kaypro 2x Logic Analyzer

A while back I acquired a rare logic-analyzer, whose lone system-diskette needed backing-up. Now this page is all things OMNI 4

eric-hertzEric Hertz 09/11/2017 at 05:480 Comments

the laptop floppy didn't need anything other than a different belt.

The default settings in imagedisk worked

The floppy drive I picked for the first try in the kaypro was beat up but had clearly marked and easily accessible jumpers. (Need to change to DS0, at the very least). 

Booted right up.

Oddities certainly abounded... but nothing particularly relevant to preventing getting it going quite easily.

(Disk formatted and loaded with files in linux. Formatting in DOS then loading files in linux worked fine)

(Original belt surrounding unsuccessful replacement. Successful replacement was even smaller and required more force to stretch. also thicker material.)

(The workbench and something on the two screens I forget. Oh... the linux formatting commands used, and DOS's interpretation... oddly DOS said the newly-formatted 720k disk had 360k free... did a doubletake).

Bwamo. Lohic analyzer setup screen.

so now... trying to decide what to do for longish-term so's I don't gotta open the case all the time. Obvious choice: pull out the 5.25... but am hesitant to let it get lost. There's also just enough space it could be mounted internally... but then no swapping floppies (for what?).

Prepping to run some samples soon!
