An incredibly simple circuit for (my) students to learn some fundamental basics and making it a tad more practical.
Goal was to make it cheap, easy to replace and handy. Hence the credit card size and very common THT parts.
- Variable Vgs
- 5V Trigger with BNC connector
- Power connector either banana-plugs or screw terminal
- GND plane for easy probe connection
- Testpoints
- Variable Rg
Possible lessons can range from:
- Soldering practice
- Using the oscilloscope
- Using the function generator
- Using different measurement tools (shunt, differential probes, current clamp, etc)
- Measure the MosFET characteristics (hence the changeable Vgs)
- Charging inductors, Driving LED´s/Motors, etc.
- Measure switching characteristics of the FET (switchable Rg)