My knowledge is in design and woodwork, and I've figured out all the mechanical and structural issues, I'm just new to electronics. I'm looking at using an Arduino or similar to be able to control, and ideally program the motor and lights all from Bluetooth, but don't really know where to start... the 12v light drivers have a Bluetooth dimming and timing function that i was hoping may be hackable too, and I may be able to lay my hands on similar for the 24v lights lights as well.
It's all a bit "Frankenstein" at the moment but if I'm able to present a sound design to my sponsors i may be able to get hold of more kit that is all integrated, except for the motor, which can't run off the LED drivers as I think the wattage is too high.
Ideally, I'd like to use the same app to switch the motor on and off, and program a dimming cycle to the lights, as well as being able to switch them on and off.
Any advice would be much appreciated.